Hull City Council recently welcomed public input on its proposed plans for new off-road cycle paths on two major city routes, giving more cyclists, including the less confident and young, a safer area to cycle in.
The designs have been developed to take advantage of future funding opportunities to be offered by Active Travel England, and were showcased last month at Trinity Market where representatives from Hull City Council discussed the plans with local people.
The plans include a kerbside separate cycle track in both directions along Cleveland Street and New Cleveland Street. The separation will provide much-needed protection from traffic and offer opportunities for road-based lessons and unimpeded travel for cyclists.
On Clough Road, cyclists will benefit from a bi-directional lane granting cyclists the ability to travel in both directions within the same lane. Again, it will be separate from the traffic with a widened pedestrian walk for local people.
See here for more information on the proposed plans and their benefit to Hull City residents.