Studio You

Studio You event helps tackle PE enjoyment gap for girls

Studio You, a project powered by Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign, hosted an empowering live event in East London to change how girls perceive physical activity. The event featured a diverse panel sharing personal stories and advice to tackle barriers like puberty, periods, and stereotypes that prevent girls from enjoying PE and exercise.

The panel included ambassadors from the Big Sister project aimed at helping girls navigate puberty and exercise, Nike instructor Tia Denton, This Girl Can’s Dani Ward, and Dr. Frankie Jackson-Spence. They offered insights on overcoming embarrassment, feeling self-conscious, and other challenges that discourage girls from being active.

The broadcast reached over 40,000 students from 1,000 secondary schools virtually, providing a platform to address the lack of enjoyment many girls experience in PE. The goal was to convey that movement and activity are for everyone, regardless of labels like “sporty” or “not sporty.”

To find out more, see here.

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