Climate Action Countdown

Partner with First Step Cycle for your school’s Climate Action Countdown

An upcoming initiative called “The Climate Action Countdown” starts on June 7th, where schools across the UK will participate in 29 days of climate-focused activities and actions.

The goal is to inspire and empower students to take action against climate change through fun and inclusive events. Schools will have access to free resources such as activity packs, assemblies, music, and more to support their participation in this month-long event.

Schools are planning a variety of fun and engaging activities for the Climate Action Countdown from June 7th to July 5th, including:

  • Holding plant-based picnics on National Picnic Day
  • Setting up pop-up clothes/uniform swap shops
  • Holding talking sessions on eco-anxiety
  • Vertical gardening and building bug houses

With Modeshift, why not add activities that could contribute to your Modeshift commitments? Join schools across the country taking active travel adventures to school by foot or bike and produce climate action manifestos to help their schools reach their carbon-neutral goals.

Schools will have access to free resources like activity packs, assemblies, music videos, posters, and a daily inspiration calendar to guide their participation.

The Climate Action Countdown is the perfect time to start your journey with an experienced active travel partner like First Step Cycle. Get involved with our active travel revolution and encourage cycle training and safe walking routes to and from school!

Get in touch today!

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