National Sports Week

National Sports Week is back and powered by Monster Kickabout

National School Sports Week is returning in 2024 from June 17-23, dedicated to promoting the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of children and young people through 60 minutes a day of PE, sport, and play.

This year’s theme, powered by Sports Direct’s Monster Kickabout, introduces a special Euro 2024 event. It merges favourite sports with academic subjects to engage young minds in active learning.

Schools, families, organisations, and partners are invited to join the fun and register to unlock free equipment, resources, and lesson plans co-created by Youth Sport Trust, Sports Direct, and North Kent College.

The week aims to inspire children to play fun games like kick tennis and footgolf while tackling the issue that less than half of all children and young people in the UK meet the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.

National School Sports Week is an opportunity to build happier children and healthier learners. Continue the mental and physical benefits of sport and physical activity with our full-service PE programmes at First Step PE.

Our PE Managers can build a plan with your school’s goals in mind. Enrichment, wraparound, CPD and even active travel – anything you need for your PE and sport calendar. First Step PE offers the best hassle-free plan to get any school administrator moving.

Contact the team today!

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